You’ll see wear it slow plays a huge part of our branding as iquique but what do we mean when we say it, embroider it or screen print it? For us, it’s very much a nod to fast fashion and the upsetting impact it has on this rock we call home but it also embodies our approach to travel.
We’ve got to stop wearing fast clothes.
Our drops may not be frequent but you can bet that when they do come around, they’re made with the wear it slow spirit. This means all materials are organic or recycled and will last longer than any chemical-infused fast fashion alternatives. If we can double the number of times we wear clothes we will half the total greenhouse emissions produced by the fashion industry. We understand there is a need for societal change to help this along, given that consumers in the UK wear an item of clothing an average of 7 times before it is discarded, but if our threads are made to last, are treated right and are timeless in design, then we’re more likely to see this number increase. This in a nutshell, is what wear it slow means to us.
Now, in terms of travelling we believe taking things slow is incredibly vital for the absorption of local culture. As the late Bourdain said "It's punishing. The sort of frenzied compression of time needed to take the tour, to see the sights, keeps you in a bubble that prevents you from having magic happen to you. Nothing unexpected or wonderful is likely to happen if you have an itinerary in Paris filled with the Louvre and the Eiffel Tower."
Travel for us, and what we want to advocate, is about taking it slow, making note of the flavours in the air and what the local abuela is cooking in her street cart, joining in the local football game and slurping a cuppa cold brews with the plaza locals at 2pm on a Tuesday. It’s about getting lost but not caring as every step you take is new and could lead you to something great, it could also be shit but at least it’s your shit. It’s about embracing all that occurs and doing it with a smile.
wear it slow.