Some of you may have seen our stickers which state ‘no travel on a dead planet’ but as blunt as it may read, what do we mean? We recently attended a sustainability networking event and had some incredible conversations with people who share a passion for protecting our planet. One thing that cropped up early doors was how easy it is to get overwhelmed by the doom, the preaching and the shame. We realised everyone needs to find their own point at which environmental consciousness becomes more important. For some, it’s seeing the impact of palm oil on animals, sealife suffocating in plastic or rubbish rivers floating on Carribean shores.
We all connect with different things and ours just so happened to be travel. We’ve litter-picked plastic beaches in Honduras, seen at first hand the river of rubbish in Bali and witnessed the beauty of the Atacama Desert before it became a dump for fast fashion. We realised that if we continue the way we’re going, the beauty we perpetually seek will all but soon diminish. Tarnished by our own mistreatment we will see once lush and thriving ecosystems fall apart.
In an attempt to maintain the beauty we all seek out we are giving 10% of all our profits to Ecocitex who are collecting the illegally dumped fast fashion in the Atacama Desert and turning it into something wonderful. From upcycled clothing to recycled wool and textile filling they are trying to mitigate the impact the fast fashion world is having on the unique region in which they operate. Beyond donating profits we are building towards making our own range from their recycled fibres. This doesn’t however stop the root cause of the problem. Overconsumption and mass produced, poorly manufactured, synthetic garments flooding worldwide markets. That’s why sometimes to fix a problem you need get as involved with the problem as you can. More clothes to stop overconsumption of clothes? Yes, because what we make will last…
There’s only so much you can write in these short posts but ‘no travel on a dead planet’ is more than just a hooky slogan, it’s true. Change travel to whatever it is you truly care about, it all stays the same… wear it slow.